NETWORK / Observer
Network of Academies of Science in Countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (NASIC)
c/o Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), 3 Constitution Avenue, G-5/2
The OIC members represent 57 countries with a population of about 1.2 billion. The Network of Academies of Sciences in OIC Countries (NASIC) was established on 17th March, 2004. This historic event brought together 16 founder Academies of Sciences. The NASIC has been constituted with the purpose of catalyzing the development of S&T programs among OIC member countries. NASIC provides a platform for the member Academies to pursue collaborative scientific programs and to share the experiences and expertise of each other. NASIC also helps in establishing science Academies in OIC Countries where they do not exist.
Current Member Academies of NASIC: the Network of Academies of Science in Countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC):
- Academy of Sciences of Afghanistan
- Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
- Acad. of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Egyptian Academy of Sciences
- Indonesian Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Arab Academy of Sciences
- National Academy of Sciences of the Rep. of Kazakhstan
- Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM)
- Nigerian Academy of Sciences
- Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS)
- Senegalese Academy of Sciences
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
- The Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS)
- Palestine Academy for Sciences and Technology
- Sudanese National Academy of Sciences (SNAS)
- Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology Morocco
- Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (AST)

Release date:
Biodiversity in desert areas: present status, threats and remediation
Release date:
Report on International Conference on Gender Participation in the Development of Sciences 14 - 15 November 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh