
A central focus of IAP's mission is to reach out to society and participate in discussions on critical global issues in which science plays a crucial role.

IAP reports cover a broad range of science-policy issues. They may derive from IAP's own programmes and projects or those of its regional networks. They are typically developed by working groups of experts nominated by IAP member academies, with the composition of each working group balanced to ensure representation from both high-income and low- and middle-income countries and by gender. IAP reports are peer reviewed and typically also provide recommendations for policy-makers based on an analysis of the best current knowledge of the issue in question. 

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by Topics:
Report neonics_cover
  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Biotechnology & Biosecurity
Report achieving
  • Health
Report easac CC report
  • Environment & Climate
  • Health
Report Final report COVER JPG: Improving Scientific Input
  • Sustainable Development Goals
Report Cover
  • Environment & Climate
Report NASAC FNSA cover
  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Sustainable Development Goals
Report IAPSDG-cover
  • Sustainable Development Goals
Report Mainstreaming Gender in Science Education cover
  • Other
Release date: Mainstreaming Gender in Science Education
Report Highlights Science Education
  • Other
Report Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise Cover
  • Biotechnology & Biosecurity
  • Policy for Science
Release date: Responsible Conduct in the Global Research Enterprise
Report IAC annual report 2010
Release date: 2010 IAC Annual Report
Report iap logo 2014 bis
  • Other
Report Climate Change Assessments Cover
  • Environment & Climate
  • Other
Report Challenges and Opportunities for Education About Dual Use Issues in the Life Sciences  cover
  • Biotechnology & Biosecurity
Report Royal Irish Academy research integrity
  • Other
Release date: Ensuring Integrity in Irish Research