Here you can find the latest news from the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and its international network.
Agriculture & Food Security
Biotechnology & Biosecurity
Environment & Climate
Policy for Science
Sustainable Development Goals
Our most popular stories from 2024From Young Physician Leaders (YPL) to Science Education, these were our 10 most-read articles of the yearAnnouncing Institution
Climate and Health: IAP at the COP28IAP Joins Forces with Save the Children, Cicero and Gerics in COP28 Side-Event Addressing Climate Change and Health.Announcing Institution
Open call for ‘Climate Change and Health’ policy case studiesIAP announces a new collaboration with Save the Children to develop a book of case studies that illustrate systems solutions for climate change and health policies.Announcing Institution
IAP at the World Science ForumThe World Science Forum provides a forum for dialogue between the scientific community, society, policy-makers and industry.Announcing Institution